Alien Eyes II
Inspired by interlocking Mediterranean lantern style tiles, this quilt helps teach a color class for quilters.
60” x 64”
2019 (started in 2014)
1st in category - Tucson Quilters Guild 2019
Selected for the Houston International Quilt Festival 2021
Glue basting the scallop rows to the background rows prior to machine appliquéing them together
Turned-edge scallop rows and background rows, both with their alien eyes already machine appliquéd
Basting prior to appliquéing the body of the quilt onto the border - the back needs some trimming...
Some of the threads used to domestic machine quilt Alien Eyes II
I often used an ironing board (blue, green, and orange stripe) as part of my collection of tables to support my quilts when quilting
You think I'd be tired of quilting pebbles by now... =)