Graphic Flower
Appliqué inspiration is everywhere - even on shower curtains.
54” x 37”
1st in category - 2024 Arizona Quilters Guild
Judge’s Choice - 2024 Arizona Quilters Guild
The shower curtain that inspired it all - more often I need to let myself just take a day, pick an image, and do some applique

Picking from the finalists for the center of the petals - the algae green swirls won!

I made this smaller flower first and put it in the center of the quilt even though I think I like the larger flower better - but don't tell the smaller flower I said that...

Some of the fabrics pulled from my fabric library for Graphic Flower

Practicing with my oval ruler on the gold fabric

Planning background and border fabrics

To avoid enlarging at Kinko's/FedEx, I chopped my Graphic Flower drawing into 16 drawings, enlarged and printed all 16, and then taped them together - having an 11x17 printer helps

Freezer paper templates made the curved borders possible

If you have to piece the back, maybe do something interesting with it =)

Turned-edge machine applique detail and some small pebbles

Do those double rectangles look like button holes? I think I'm liking them... ?

More than 60 fabrics and fabric combinations auditioned for the center of the flower

Each corner has a different quilting motif in the outside border's solid teal stripes - this one has swirls
Judge's Choice and First in the Applique Category at the Arizona Quilters Guild 2024 show

Each corner has a different quilting motif in the outside border's solid teal stripes - this one has double rectangles

Shock! Here's one example where I like my quilting before washing - the gold scallops after the dense lines have been quilted