Rex Ray Tribute
Teardrop and rectangle appliqué in Rex Ray’s Mirrors and Tears style was a lot of fun. Buy one of Rex Ray’s books - his work is amazing!
28” x 66”
The first few tear drop shapes turned and basted - ready for machine applique stitching
A machine appliquéd tear drop, stitched and ready for the background
Machine appliquéd, quilted, but not yet washed
My first tear drop shape - with lots of applique foundation cut for more shapes
Aaauuugh! A Keith Dommer boring back... =)
Using a variety of techniques like unwashed fabric, quilting density, and batts that shrink a lot, I like to create some puffy, trapunto-like patina to my quilts - this time I think I went too far
Quilting and turned-edge machine applique details
Some border quilting detail