Basting Christmas Stars
I pin baste and Christmas Stars for a New Day is the second largest quilt I’ve ever quilted. 30 years ago, I basted my largest quilt (96”x108”) on the floor. This one I’m doing in three segments on our dining room table.
My dad would kill me if he saw me using the dining room table, but two things:
Many things (like a dining room table) are meant to be used not revered, and
Mostly I value experiences over things.
Saturday is Arizona’s state Senior Open tournament and I get to bowl with a big-time national touring pro on my team. We’re doing team, doubles, and singles all in one day. Wish me luck!
Next Time
Goal: get all of the stabilizing done on Christmas Stars - maybe start some of the main design quilting. Perhaps I’ll get enough quilting done so we can see how well-centered the back is.
I also have to get some planning done for my January through April classes.
Quilt your way!