Christmas Stars - Borders and Back
Brushed Cotton/Flannel Back
Brushed cotton or Flannel? I don’t know the difference… And I don’t know that I care. I just know that I love the fuzzy look and feel. And I love the way a brushed cotton back helps hide my starts and stops making my backs look more wonderful than they deserve to be!
Yes, the brushed cotton may make it thicker and heavier and warmer, but I like that too - and Christmas Stars for a New Day is seasonal (cold seasonal) so… double bonus.
And there might be a little more drag as I guide the quilt through my sit-down quilting machine, but hey, I’ve been working out and I don’t really know that I notice much of a difference anyway.
What about lint you say? I love fluffy thread too - I just love the way it looks. I sew with fluffy thread all the time. I regularly clean my machines - lint doesn’t bother me when I’m happy with the results.
I’ve got a neighbor with no plants in their yard - only rocks. They never have to rake or clean up plant debris (except when mine blows over and I do usually clean up after myself). But you know what? Their yard is a little, um, bland. Some things are worth the effort.
This weekend is a local tournament on Saturday. Sunday I get to spend some time with some of my favorite quilting friends.
Next Time
Christmas Stars for a New Day should be basted the next time I see you. Fingers crossed. I haven’t basted anything this large in 25 years.
And I get to align the pieced back so the back is centered with the front - we’ll see how it goes.
Quilt your way!