Quilting Sketches

Toronto Architecture Quilting

The stabilizing quilting - primarily ditch quilting - is basically done. The basting safety pins have been removed, except for the pins on the softer green plant-like organic swirls that contrast with the quilt’s harder structure. I’m excited and apprehensive (mostly in a good way) about the next steps.


Quilting Sketches

Sometimes I sketch a lot before I decide what detail/design/fill quilting I’m actually going to play with on a quilt. And I’m learning a new way to include photos in my blog… Please bear with me.

We’ll see which, if any, of these designs make it into the final project. =)

Actually, this is helping me decide. I should watch slideshows more often!



Since the last post I’ve bowled three events:

  1. Senior semi-pro event in the northwest Phoenix area - very slow start, middle of the field finish

  2. 2022 Tucson City Masters (open) - high qualifier, finished 4th in the double elimination 16 person finals

  3. Local open scratch tournament - low qualifier, leapt up in the semifinals to 5th, climbed to 2nd in the stepladder finals

Overall, not bad.


Next Time

Toronto Architecture’s green, sort of organic, plant-like swirls should have some design quilting in them.

Also: the new summer class calendar for The Quilter’s Market should be out - I’ll have some new events on the events page here.

Quilt your way!


TA Quilting


Lecture Fun and More TA