Lecture Fun and More TA
Tucson Quilters Guild
OMG! I had so much fun sharing my quilts and stories at the Tucson Quilters Guild’s March meetings. The members were great - so curious and interactive. I’m guessing 75+ at the evening meeting and 150+ at the morning meeting.
One indicator of success - I went 10 or 15 minutes long and nobody left early!
Preparing for the lecture was delightful. Every time I turned around, I ran into another special memory. Maybe quilting with others is more joyful than escaping into my own little world, but it’s close.
If you’re interested in the quilts I talked about, the handout is in my February 17 blog post here.
Toronto Architecture
Pleased with the Borders
The barely visible mitered seam creating the corders of the grey tree trunk fabric are appliquéd. Additionally, the narrow border is also appliquéd attaching the tree trunk border to the background of Toronto Architecture.
Batting Scare
Pieced Batting
My project room has a lot of useable sized batting remnants from both my projects and my mother’s projects. The trouble is - I haven’t labeled, stored, or tracked them in any way that lets me know specifically what kind of batting they are. I make educated guesses, especially when attaching them together to make a larger batt.
In this case, three remnants looked like they were the same cotton batts but while I was attaching them together, they didn’t feel the same.
I got a little worried…
Test Wash
There’s a stitched line at the horizontal 7 3/4” line attaching together two smaller pieces of of batt. The joined pieces were were trimmed to 12 1/2” square before washing. After washing, it’s obvious that the two remnants are not the same batt. The top batt is a shrinky cotton batt, and the bottom batt doesn’t shrink at all.
I’m so glad I did this test!!!
Toronto Architecture is now getting a whole piece of one batt. And the larger pieced-together batt will get separated and repurposed.
Did it again - similar to Tucson’s annual Senior tournament, I also shot a 300 game and an 800 series in the doubles event of Tucson’s annual Open Tournament. We won scratch Doubles and I won scratch All Events (team, doubles, and singles scores combined). Yea!
This weekend on Sunday is a one-day semi-pro senior singles event in Phoenix - wish me luck!
Next Time
Toronto Architecture should have all of its stabilizing quilting and there should be a good start on the design quilting. The piping will be interesting to negotiate.
Quilt your way!