January Project
And the winner is:
What UFO project did I start the new year with? One of the 70’s Wallpaper quilts…
70’s Wallpaper Quilt
I’m in love with the body of this quilt and that’s causing me a lot of trouble.
Currently, it’s too small to be useable
It’s not quite enough to stand on it’s own as wall art with just a simple binding
I don’t have a clue what kind of border(s) it needs/wants
And I’m frightened to ruin it by adding borders
First try was drafting a smaller version of the design for a border.
The initial drawing above intrigued me enough to try the computer-drafted border in fabric. I wanted to continue with similar colors, only softer, not as bright, and maybe with tamer prints - so it doesn’t compete with the body of the quilt.
First try: I’m liking the middle of the border above, but the black half rings aren’t dark enough to carry the pattern and one print is too much and the other print isn’t enough. The gold half rings excited me a lot too, but maybe they’re too solid…
Second try: Now the black half rings in the border above are too dark and too solid. I am liking the gold half rings better with the simpler turquoise inside them. But it’s still feeling weird.
Perhaps I didn’t downsize the scale enough either… Or, maybe I need a border in-between that’s smaller in scale - and maybe a different texture, like squares - or a Greek key pattern… ??
In any event, I’m putting this away and pulling another UFO for February. Something that takes less thought - something that’s relaxing and comfortable and fun. I’ve got some board meetings coming up and classes to think about. I’ll likely need a mindless escape.
Inaugural Scrap Petal Garden Class
Teaching Penni Domikis’ pattern Scrap Petal Garden with Tim Holtz fabrics has been really fun - for both me and the participants. The first 3-session class went very well and the additional class (there’s lots of interested participants) starts this week.
To help teach the class, I’m making two additional Scrap Petal Garden quilts. They’ll both probably stay in various stages for a long time.
My January tournaments were a bust.
I packed four events into one long weekend - I might be getting too old for that. =)
One big Vegas tournament in February and then my bowling gets more active in March.
Next Time
February’s UFO project might be one that needs some quilting.
Quilt your way!